Introduction Link to this heading

In this post, we’ll explore the creation of an animated barber pole with OpenGL. The project involves combining graphics programming concepts with animation techniques to bring a traditional barber pole to life.

Drawing a Cylinder Link to this heading

The drawCylinder function is responsible for rendering a cylindrical shape using quad strips. This function is crucial for creating the main pole of the barber pole in the project.

 1void drawCylinder(float radius, float height) {
 2    // Initialize angle and the number of divisions (n) for creating quad strips
 3    float angle = 0;
 4    int n = 30;
 6    // Begin drawing with quad strips
 7    glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP);
 9    // Iterate through the quad strips
10    for (int c = 0; c <= n; c++) {
11        // Calculate x and z coordinates based on the current angle
12        double x = radius * cos(angle);
13        double z = radius * sin(angle);
15        // Draw the vertices for the current quad strip
16        glVertex3f(x, 0, z);
17        glVertex3f(x, height, z);
19        // Increment the angle for the next iteration
20        angle = angle + ((2 * PI) / n);
21    }
23    // End the drawing of quad strips
24    glEnd();

Drawing a Helix Link to this heading

The drawHelix function is responsible for rendering a helical structure, following a similar approach as the cylinder but gradually incrementing the y coordinate.

 1void drawHelix(float radius, float height, float gap, float thickness, float startHeight) {
 2    // Initialize angle, y-coordinate, and the number of divisions (n) for creating quad strips
 3    float angle = 0;
 4    float y = startHeight;
 5    int n = 30;
 7    // Begin drawing with quad strips
 8    glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP);
10    // Draw the helix loops while incrementing the y-coordinate
11    while (y <= height) {
12        // Calculate x and z coordinates based on the current angle
13        double x = radius * cos(angle);
14        double z = radius * sin(angle);
16        // Draw the vertices for the current quad strip
17        glVertex3f(x, y, z);
18        glVertex3f(x, y + thickness, z);
20        // Increment the angle and y-coordinate for the next iteration
21        angle = angle + ((2 * PI) / n);
22        y = y + gap;
23    }
25    // End the drawing of quad strips
26    glEnd();

Drawing the Barber Pole Link to this heading

The drawPole function is responsible for rendering the complete structure of the barber pole. This function combines the main cylindrical pole with additional decorative elements.

 1void drawPole(float radius, float height) {
 2    // Save the current transformation state
 3    glPushMatrix();
 5    // Rotate the entire structure based on the scene rotation for animation
 6    glRotatef(sceneRotation, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
 8    // Save the current transformation state for the main pole
 9    glPushMatrix();
10    glRotatef(0, 0, 1, 0);
11    glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
13    // Draw the main cylinder (Pole)
14    drawCylinder(radius, height);
16    glColor3f(0, 0, 0.61);
18    // Draw the first radius (blue helix)
19    drawHelix(radius + 0.05, height, 0.05, 0.2, 0);
21    glColor3f(1, 0, 0);
23    // Draw the second radius (red helix)
24    drawHelix(radius + 0.05, height, 0.05, 0.2, 0.3);
26    // Restore the transformation state for the main pole
27    glPopMatrix();
29    // Restore the original transformation state
30    glPopMatrix();
32    // Draw a sphere at the top
33    glPushMatrix();
34    glColor3f(0.67, 0.66, 0.66);
35    glTranslatef(0, height, 0);
36    glutSolidSphere(radius, 30, 30);
37    glPopMatrix();
39    // Draw a larger torus at the top
40    glPushMatrix();
41    glColor3f(0.77, 0.76, 0.76);
42    glTranslatef(0, height, 0);
43    glRotatef(-90, 1, 0, 0);
44    glutSolidTorus(radius / 4 * 0.9, radius, 25, 25);
45    glPopMatrix();
47    // Draw a smaller torus at the top
48    glPushMatrix();
49    glColor3f(.8314, .6863, .2157);
50    glTranslatef(0, height - radius / 4, 0);
51    glRotatef(-90, 1, 0, 0);
52    glutSolidTorus(radius / 5, radius, 25, 25);
53    glPopMatrix();
55    // Draw a sphere at the bottom
56    glPushMatrix();
57    glColor3f(0.67, 0.66, 0.66);
58    glutSolidSphere(radius, 30, 30);
59    glPopMatrix();
61    // Draw a larger torus at the bottom
62    glPushMatrix();
63    glColor3f(0.77, 0.76, 0.76);
64    glRotatef(-90, 1, 0, 0);
65    glutSolidTorus(radius / 4, radius, 25, 25);
66    glPopMatrix();
68    // Draw a smaller torus at the bottom
69    glPushMatrix();
70    glColor3f(.8314, .6863, .2157);
71    glTranslatef(0, radius / 4, 0);
72    glRotatef(-90, 1, 0, 0);
73    glutSolidTorus(radius / 5, radius, 25, 25);
74    glPopMatrix();

Output Link to this heading

Barber Pole 1

Barber Pole 2

Barber Pole 3

Conclusion Link to this heading

In this project, we delved into the world of graphics programming using GLUT and OpenGL to create a visually appealing animated barber pole.

Feel free to explore the complete source code here and experiment with different parameters to customize the barber pole further. I hope this project serves as an educational and inspiring resource for fellow graphics enthusiasts!